Earlier this week on Channel 4’s ‘My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding’ I witnessed a prime example of under-dressed females putting themselves in a horrible, exploitative, and somewhat inevitable situation.
The programme was a sheer joy to watch, humorous and informative. The ultimate highlight coming when we were given a unique insight into the art of ‘grabbing’: basically a gentleman man-handling a female, physically forcing her into an inescapable situation then pressuring her into giving sexual favours.
The program appeared to pose the question ‘are the gypsy race so unable to grasp the task of wooing the female species that they found it necessary to dress up what is basically sexual harassment bordering rape and then give it a less shocking name to make it appear to be some sort of game?’
It’s a mystery we haven’t been informed of the grabbing game earlier.
You have to ask yourself is ‘grabbing a spout of pure insanity or pure genius?’
However the ‘grabbing’ game does have rules, it’s not like anyone can go about ‘grabbing’ anyone. Ideally the victim has to be a female of gypsy heritage and aware of the ‘grabbing’ game and it’s rules.
The bizarre thing about the programme was that the girls were obviously aware they were going to be victims of the ‘grab’ and got together before the reception to hold a conference to remind each other of the dangers involved and what to do when placed under a ‘grab’. So it was utterly baffling that despite anticipating this ordeal that when the eager, seemingly intoxicated
gypsy boy ‘grabbed’ one of the girls they all panicked and were reduced to tears.
If the whole ordeal is always too much for them, why don’t they dress themselves in less sexually suggestive apparel? Wearing a belt as a skirt and gyrating your arse on the dance floor a few zeters in front of a potential ‘grabber’ is not the most sensible thing to do. You don’t see the young ‘grabber’ eyeing up granny smith, wearing a frilly blouse sitting quietly in the corner tucking into a scotch egg.
Watching this you couldn’t blame the average male from having thoughts of wandering the streets with an intention of pouncing on the first posse of under-dressed females he saw, frisking them and if anyone intervened simply blame it on the ‘grab’.
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse, the media go and package rape as a game and get away with it.
Where's Mary fucking Whitehouse when you need her?
I cant say that I blame the girls for the actions of the boys. They have both been taught that this sort of behavior is expected and acceptable. So, in that respect I dont feel sorry for them at all. If you dress like a policeman dont be surprised when people think you are a policeman and expect you to act like a policeman. When you dress like a whore dont be surprised when people think you are a whore and expect you to act like a whore.