Monday, 27 September 2010
Morons amazed as Marilyn Manson turns out to be a real person

Dozens thrilled as student loans arrive on time.

Saturday, 25 September 2010
Bono reveals details of his 'charity' accounts.

Friday, 24 September 2010
Mr. Brightside: Brandon Flowers Signs Shock Sally Hansen Deal

Brandon Flowers strikes multi-million cosmetics deal to coincide with the launch of his new solo album, ‘Tango.’
Executives at Sally Hansen, manufacturer of a thick orange fake tan popular with slags and rugby players the world over, are said to have chosen Flowers over contenders Peter Andre and bassist Pete Wentz, of US band Fall Out Boy, due to his fame on both sides of the Atlantic.
Long term rival,
Pete Wentz, is said to be highly emo-tional. For him, this may be the final straw in a feud dating back to 2005, when The Killers lashed out after becoming convinced that their A&R representative was being hogged by the angsty wieners, also signed to label Island Def Jam.
Tango, Brandon’s first solo venture, was released yesterday. Once more, the self-professed poet relies heavily on his Las Vegas roots to boost his lacking cool factor, the album opening with a track originally named ‘Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas’. Much like 50 Cent being shot nine times, if there’s one thing you know about Brandon Flowers it’s that he hails from Las Vegas, Nevada.
Another heavily marketed ‘fact’ about Flowers is that he is a Mormon, albeit famously selective in his adoption of the faith’s countless commandments. His solo album plunders predictably through a list of pious references.
This new deal, exposing his extreme indulgence in vanity, comes as no surprise. The singer’s album sleeve shows him heavily lathered in the terracotta tanning product he endorses, waiting in a hotel room like your average Haringey hooker.
President of the Mormon church, Thomas S. Monson, today launched a scathing attack on the cosmetics giant, branding the newly-signed contract "grotesque". Former bandmates of The Killers have advised the frontman "this no way to take out a hit". Flowers would appear to be caught in the Crossfire.
Another drink "definitely a good idea", booze hound decides.

Drug addicts apparently delighted as grunts to be added to dictionary.

Winehouse's house 'defintely not a crack den'.

Being disgusting now North London's preferred form of contraception.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Glastonbury Organisers to Profile Potential Revelers

Hippies out as Eavis dictatorship reveals its true colours.
Organisers of legendary music festival, Glastonbury, this month relaunched the U2 headline rumour that threatened to bring the 2010 event to its knees, only to fortify the ploy with an arduous online registration process promising to reject anyone fun on the basis of looks alone.
‘What kind of photos are unacceptable?’ poses the registration webpage, an array of options strewn below. ‘Well, this one, I hope’, one reflects, recoiling in horror at the initial offering (right) only to realise a neon green tick imposed on the offensive image. If that is the calibre of character getting in, I for one am out.
“I’m never going to Glastonbury again” ranted War Bastard guitarist, War Bastard. “Unless I’m playing I don’t give a shit, innit.”
Restrictions are plentiful and resistance is futile. Despite being at the core of the event’s rich history, if the official website is to be believed this year the crusty kind will be shunned. ‘Please do not wear hats, matted hair or anything that covers your face’.
‘Please ensure you have a neutral expression with your mouth closed and eyes open, looking directly at the camera’. Compliance with these standards is clearly not within the capacity of the class of festival-goer we all know and love.
Renowned Glastonbury critic and dickhead, Will Byrne, is outraged. Fresh from a visit to the festival website he fumed “This impenetrable registration process is worse than braving brambles and toothless security guards for two days, although God forbid you might miss Bono again this year. Cunts”.
Tickets go on sale on 3 October. Failure to follow the registration instructions correctly will lead to rejection.
Friday, 17 September 2010
Punks panic as Sex Pistols reveal toiletries range.