Saturday 14 August 2010

I'm underpaid

Reading the current scandal that Bez has been convicted of beating his girlfriend, I couldn't help focusing on what is potentially the wrong aspect.

Now, beating up your girlfriend... terrible, sure. Let's be honest though, Bez hasn't really got the best reputation now does he. Not talented enough play an actual instrument in a talentless band, one can only assume that he was there for a) amusement (and when I say this, I mean in the way my friends kept a little fella called Tony who had downs around for) or b) drug contacts. Either way you can't think he's an upstanding member of society. So what do you expect? He's just living up to expectations.

I'll tell you what is really shocking. Allegedly the attack was because she stole £300 off him, the fee paid to him for a show with Domino Bones, the band he currently prances around on stage with, looking like the thalidomide love child of Ian Brown and Peter Crouch. 300 fucking pounds! I know people get paid ridiculous amounts of money for dumb unimportant things, but on the most part it takes at least a little training. Give me 10 minutes on the streets of London and I'll find you somebody who would act twice as mental and 'rave' fifty times as enthusiastically on stage for half this money, if you're lucky he might even smear himself in his own faeces.

So 300 notes to act like a thug who has been at Global Gathering non stop for the last 5 years, and over that time developed a penchant for freebasing Windolene.

That ladies and gentlemen is a true crime.

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